Monday 10 June 2019

Advantages of Using Natural Gas Generators as Standby Generators

In the past, electrical contractors avoided investing in natural gas generators for sale to use as a backup power supply. But recent events and innovations have improved these generators, making them one of the most reliable modern options. In what aspects are natural gas generators for sale better than diesel and other types?

1. Longer or more reliable running time

One of the key benefits of natural gas as a backup power system is its long running time. Unlike diesel engines, natural gas is supplied by a utility through underground pipelines that generally remain unaffected by weather and other factors. This eliminates the problem of refueling or delivery of fuel to the site during extreme weather conditions. Therefore, regardless of the length of the electrical interruption, you can rest assured that the backup system will consistently provide power to the facilities.

2. Lower environmental impact

Natural gas backup generators have a lower impact on the environment than diesel backup generators. They emit less NOX or harmful elements that pollute the air. They are even safer for humans and animals because the gas they emit is odorless and non-toxic. Aside from this, there are no issues when it comes to fuel containment issues, spillage, and other environmental concerns.

3. More affordable

Natural gas backup generators are more affordable than their diesel counterparts in several aspects. For one, the price of natural gas fuel is significantly lower than diesel fuel—and this is expected to be the norm for the next decades. The cost of compliance and maintenance is also lower since companies need not store gas fuel on site. Because natural gas engines burn clean, they don't have to be fitted with a lot of expensive efficiency-lowering emission control technologies.

4. Low maintenance

Unlike diesel engines, natural gas generators for sale require less maintenance. Businesses that store natural gas on site don't have to do a frequent check-up tank and regular fuel conditioning since natural gas has a longer shelf life.

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